Saturday, January 8, 2011


   I got a gift card for Amazon from the in-laws for Christmas. So I put it to good work. I ordered the new Mackie Hedges book and Arnold Rojas book. Went over budget on them but,  I know I will enjoy them. Man oh man do I love books. There is just something so nice about holding a book in your hand. The weight, the crispness of the pages of a new book. The silky soft whispering sounds of an old books pages being turned. I like to think about how many people have read and talked about the book in my hand. If the book could talk, what it would say? Where has it been?  Was it a comfort to someone on a plane trip, a boat trip? Did it change the way a person looks at the world? Did it just sit on a book shelve and look into the room begging to be read one more time? Was it read and reread time and again? I enjoy just looking at our book shelf and trying to decide what I what to read. Some times I walk away with no book in hand, but comfort in my mind know my friends the books are still there. Until next time take care

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