Wednesday, August 22, 2018

First day of kindergarten

  Ruby's first day of kindergarten.....
Sounds like she did great, one melt down. Not a bad one but she showed her teacher her very stubborn She was exhausted tonight when we picked her up. 
   Ruby is going to a rural school. Its a two room school.  In her class there's 8 students.  Her class is K-3.
  It's such a huge step. It seems like yesterday she was born.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Little fishing

   We went to the mountains here close to home. To fish and relax. Its about an hour from home where we went.  Just nice to spend the afternoon watching Ruby and the dogs play.
  I got to do some fishing. Caught a bunch of brookies on flies I tied.  Feels pretty good doing that. Ruby is now fearless with fish. She  loves help release them. Sharon brought a big blanket and relaxed in the shade. Good day for everyone.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Tying bench

  Here's where Ruby and I tie fly's. She has her own vise on the left and storage box for her tools and materials.  She loves tying. I love watching her create, and watching her learn. I'm trying to teach her to tie actual flies not just make up ones. But she is having fun and thats all that matters.
   A couple flies I tied up using a new materials and new patterns to me. These are kinda rough but they will improve.
  Take care and be safe.