Monday was my brides brithday.... We celebrated by going to Cheyenne and just hanging out and doing what Sharon wanted to do. We met up with a friend of Sharon's and were gonna have lunch but she had to leave earlier than planned. So Sharon and I just wondered through the mall. We got Sharon a new wedding band. It's a nice little Black Hills gold band. Sharons fingers are starting to swell form the baby. Sharon loves wearing a wedding ring so................. We got her a pretty ring for her Birthday. We are 18 1/2 weeks along now with the baby. So almost half way!! I can't wait to hold the baby.
We went into a fabric store... I know imagine that being married to a quilter. Sharon got a bunch supplies she needs for making stuff for the Christmas Bazaar in town. But we got my some silky polyester so Sharon will make a neck rag or wild rag for me. Pretty nice huh?
We went to the AT&T store and looked at new phones. We are up for new one's. Mine is starting to piss me off. The screen is just to small and I have a hard time reading stuff. Sharon want's to just upgrade. We use our phone for lots of stuff. We did upgrade our aircard it's how we get internet here. The new deal is called a Hotspot and we can now run both computers at the same time. Pretty nice once we got the bump's ironed out. The tec who sold us the Hotspot didn't change our plan so it didn't work until this afternoon. When Sharon finaly got it going. Love my wife!!
We were gonna go shopping at Wal-mart but we just were having to nice of a day to go there and do the monthly shopping. We are really glad we did. Sharon will go to Scottsbluff later this week and do that shopping. We wandered around Barns and Nobles. Looking at books. Man I saw bunch of books I wanted.
Here's my new horse El Gato after a day of work. He's looking for his grain and to get the saddle off his back.
We are shipping cows tomorrow. I'm gonna ride my horse G. My other bay mustang horse. Haha.
Until next time take care